Tiberia Wiki

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Tiberia (Age of Conflict) is s new War/RPG custom OT, with lots of custom features.


It's now time to represent to you, a new and fresh, but also much more different OT server from any other;
server version: 8.6

  • This server is about conquest, and preservation of the territory. There are 2 main towns. (Nedaronfrom from the surface, and Daragon, from the underground) All other towns can be conquered by players, and they can form their own guild in it.
  • Island of teleports; teleport player to hunting areas and quests.
  • New skull system: players get white skull when they visit enemy town; Loses skulls in their own town;
  • New guild system: At level 50, player automatically joins a guild from his town. He can also join some of the player operated guilds or try to form his own guild by conquering guild castle.
  • Guild castles needs to be conquered in order to form a guild.
  • Guild castles also needs to be defended is someone else is trying to take it from you;
  • Changing the outfit colors is operated by guild leaders.
  • Lots of quests, some of them are RPG based. And still many yet have to be solved;
  • Cool arenas: Guild vs Guild, PVP and player vs monster arenas...
  • New custom monsters.
  • EXP for 'pkers', for the same or higher level.
  • Guild points: Player will receive guild points for killing other players in enemy guild.
  • Server Infomation:
Exp Rates Stages:
1 - 50: x150
50 - 100: x120
100 - 150: x100
150 - 200: x50
200 - 250: x15
Skills: x20
Loot rate: x3
Magic rate: x30
Spawns rate: x2
Protection lvl: 50

  • Commands:
!aol buy aol for 10000 gold
!bless Bless you for 50000 gold
!buyhouse stand in front of the door of a house and buy it
!leavehouse leave their home
!serverinfo some information about the server
!deathlist say !deathlist playername to know their latest deaths
!gp check your guild points
!leader display guild leaders of all castles
  • Daily map updates and new quests and spawns;
  • To conquer guild castle you need certain amount of level and guild points; First you need to summon a town boss, by pulling the right switch on island of teleports; Then you need to sail to that town and find the boss and kill it; After that you take the item, that appears at boss's spawn place, and take it to the castle, place it on the pedestal and pull the switch whala, the guild is yours'

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